Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sharon Stone gets in touch with her inner bitch.

Another celebrity washed up has-been is convinced that the whole world needs to hear whatever opinion happens to cross her pinhead mind. This time is Sharon "remember me?" Stone. The lord high douche bag was at the Cannes film festival when she told a reporter that she doesn't think that China is very "nice" to Tibet and that the earthquake was "karma".

You stupid whore.

80,000 dead and 5,000,000 homeless. Sharon you are no Mother Teresa. Needless to say her movies are now banned in China (not that they were worth seeing) she's also been dropped by a few ad agencies. Of course she issued the standard non-heartfelt apology but the damage has already been done. Well, it's not like she was going to get work again anytime soon. I got to agree with China on this one "actors should not get involved in politics". I couldn't agree more.

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