Thursday, May 29, 2008

Clay Aiken is the next David Copperfield.

Looks like Clay Aiken manages to get a girl knocked up without touching her! TMZ reports:

Here's what we know. Multiple sources tell us the mother is Jaymes Foster, a record producer and Clay's best friend. He lives at her home when he's in L.A.We're told 50-year-old Foster, who produced several Aiken CDs, is due in August. She's the sister of record mogul David Foster. She divorced a few years back and has no kids. Aiken is 29.We're told Foster was artificially inseminated. But Clay is a lot more than sperm -- we're told he will have an active role in raising the child

Clay, take some advice from Mr. Hollywood. If you're trying to prove to the world that you're NOT gay, this is not the way to do it!!!

George Clooney knows how to ditch the bitch.

He's back on the market again. The Cloon told Sarah Larson (cocktail waitress, stripper, whore etc) to get the fuck out. And people thought she was the one after he took her to the Oscars (1st time he ever went with a girlfriend) and they had that moving motorcycle accident together. Hogwash! The Cloon cannot be tied down to one woman! Long live the Cloon

Bill Murray beats his wife.

Bill Murray's wife Jennifer of 11 years has filed for divorce. She's seeking the standard huge wad of cash and elimination of their prenuptual agreement on the grounds that Bill was a little slap happy. Associated press reports:

The complaint, which doesn't specify instances of Murray's alleged marijuana or alcohol use, alleges he would often leave without telling his wife and says he "travels overseas where he engages in public and private altercations and sexual liaisons."
It also alleges Murray physically abused his wife and last November "hit her in the face and then told her she was `lucky he didn't kill her.'"

Normally this would look like the standard gold digging story but curiously enough Bill's attorney has released a statement stating that he is deeply saddened by the divorce, he and his wife are still committed to their children and he asks that the public respects his privacy at this time. Which I find curious because there was absolutely no mention of the allagations against him. No denial, nothing. Hmmmmm.

Sharon Stone gets in touch with her inner bitch.

Another celebrity washed up has-been is convinced that the whole world needs to hear whatever opinion happens to cross her pinhead mind. This time is Sharon "remember me?" Stone. The lord high douche bag was at the Cannes film festival when she told a reporter that she doesn't think that China is very "nice" to Tibet and that the earthquake was "karma".

You stupid whore.

80,000 dead and 5,000,000 homeless. Sharon you are no Mother Teresa. Needless to say her movies are now banned in China (not that they were worth seeing) she's also been dropped by a few ad agencies. Of course she issued the standard non-heartfelt apology but the damage has already been done. Well, it's not like she was going to get work again anytime soon. I got to agree with China on this one "actors should not get involved in politics". I couldn't agree more.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Vanilla Ice is back on the streets.

Lord knows why but his wife dropped the battery charges and Ice Ice Baby is sprung loose. TMZ reports:

Ice -- real name Robert Van Winkle -- is a free man after the April 10 incident, in which he allegedly kicked and hit his wife Laura. According to the court order, Laura recanted her statement and there were no independent witnesses to the battery, so the case got tossed. We're also told that one witness who did come forward said the incident was only verbal.The Iceman -- repped by power attorneys Bradford Cohen and Joe Lorusso -- also won't have to stay away from wife Laura, as the no contact orders have been pulled.

I don't know about you but I'm going to hole up in my bunker with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a shotgun in the other until this thing blows over. He's looking a little like Manson to me at this point. Love those crazy eyes!
...his hair sucks too.

Nick Hogan cops out.

Here's some lovely celebrity justice for you, Nick Hogan is copping a plea. TMZ reports:

We're told Hogan will not fight the charge of felony reckless driving involving serious bodily injury. He will plead either guilty or no contest. Sources say no deal has been struck with prosecutors. Hogan will enter an "open plea," meaning the judge will have complete leeway in his sentencing and the victim and his family will have an opportunity to testify at a sentencing hearing on how the crime has affected their lives. The maximum penalty is five years in prison.

Wow a max of 5 years I'm sure he'll get the full amount of time (6 months suspended sentence or 2 years community service). You can't place a price on destroying someone's live. Oh wait, celebrity justice can...5 years. That's worth a lifetime of brain damage and never having a life again. I'm so glad they keep things in perspective in Hollywood.