Friday, January 15, 2010

Tila Tequila keeps twittering...I don't know what the hell this is.

If you've ever wanted to experience a brain hemmorage, wrap your brain around THIS one and YOU tell ME what the hell it's supposed to mean.  Here's the latest twitter from Tila:

This is the end of the end. Don't take your lives for granted because it will all end very soon. Sooner than u think.

Everything you do now is totally irrelevant to what is to come. I am only here to warn you as God's Messenger and Angel disguised as A Human

God Bless and pray. Pray for all the wrongs you have done to others, pray for all the hurt you have bestowed. Judgement day is coming...

God took the Love of my Life away from me because I promised him that I was only here to do my job. But I fell in Love with Another Angel

So he took her away from me. That was my fault. I broke the rules of being an Angel on Earth as a messenger. We're not allowed 2 fall in luv

With another Angel. Cuz it will distract me from doing my job of helping the world. The minute I fell in love with another Angel, I stopped.

Someone please tell me that this load of gibberish means that she's going to throw herself in front of a truck....PLEASE!

...oh, and for the record.  Freud would have taken this ball and RAN WITH IT!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Angelina Jolie gets dropped from a modeling gig....hang on, wha????

Angelina got dropped from a modeling gig with St. John.  As strange as it sounds they said she was to big for the job and overshadowed the brand.  Too big for the job???  Wait a sec, this sounds strangely familiar.  I seem to recall it from a few job interviews only to me it sounded like "you're overqualified" sh*t.

Michael Jackson death investigation complete.

Well it bloody took them long enough but it looks like the DA is going to get the go ahead to go after Dr. Conrad Murray for the death of Michael.  No word yet on the charges that will be filed in a few weeks but a source for TMZ told them that involuntary manslaughter was likely.  You know the "fell asleep at the wheel" charge.  I knew it was that guy.  He gave Jackson the propofol and went to the can / watched tv / fell asleep (pick one).  Bottom line, he couldn't do the one simple job he was being paid a rather large amount of cash to do.  KEEP HIS DAMN EYES OPEN!!!   I hope they throw the book at him but somehow my gut tells me they won't.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tila Tequila is still af f"ing BITCH!

Tila the publicity whore is exploiting the death of Casey Johnson for every second its worth.  God this woman makes me sick!...if indeed she is a woman.  Jury's still out on that one.  Anyway, Paris Hilton and Bijou Phillips went to Tila's house to get Casey's dogs back.  Please bare in mind that Tila had said previously that she had been trying to reach Casey so she could pick up her dogs to get them out of her house.  With that in mind here's what she claimed "happened" at her house when Paris and Bijou arrived:

My Fiance and I had been living together at my house for about a month now, with all of our dogs! 3 Total, and today these "mean Girls" bombarded MY HOME, to try to take the pups away so they can put them to sleep so they can bury the dogs with Casey. So sad! I had to call the police because they were getting very violent outside of my house and threatening to break in! They kept kicking my door, pounding on it, and even left scratch marks on my windows and texted that they were going to try to break in from the back side!! I was alone, scared and they left me no choice.

Have you ever heard such a load of BS in your life???  Big shock the cops didn't believe a word of it either.  Paris and Bijou left with the dogs.  Thank God, I'd hate to think of the dogs in that house of friggin crazy.  Someone needs to get this bitch to shut the f*ck up and stop taking advantage to Casey's death to get her picture in news.