Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anna Paquin says she's bisexual, then again who isn't?

Anna Paquin of 'True Blood' says that she's bisexual and is doing a PSA for a group called the "Give A Damn" campain, a group that promotes equality for gays, lesbians, transgenders etc.

I know that there are plenty of people in Hollywood of various sexual persuasions but makes you have to wonder how many are legit and how many are doing it to boost their careers. The jumping on the lesbian / bisexual bandwagon is so popular now even Lindsay Lohan has tried it and let's face it, making an announcement like this while you're engaged to your co-star Stephen Moyer (note: a dude) doesn't add to your credibility much. It makes it look like a publicity stunt.

Is this an April Fool's prank?

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