Friday, December 6, 2013

Bob Dylan's guitar goes for $965,000

...I gotta sell some stuff at Christie's Auction House. Nah, they'd never buy my crap. I'm going to go cry now.

Disney ate another franchise...

I remember I once said to my grandmother that one day giant corporations were going to keep eating up one another until only one was left and my money was on Disney. The same guys who bought up Star Wars, The Muppets and Marvel just snacked on the Indiana Jones franchise. If what I saw was accurate Paramount studios sold the rights to any future movies which would help Disney crank them out. In exchange Paramount gets a cut of whatever they make. Disney hasn't announced any future films as of yet but let's face it. If they didn't have plans they wouldn't have done it. I don't know how much this went down for but I'm going to guess more than the GDP of most nations on this planet.

The Bald Eagle. Protected symbol of American freedom, liberty (BLAM!!!!)

As we all know it is a sin so ever say anything against anything that the Fuhrer, sorry President does. That being said here's a lovely article from Associated Press that made me loose my cookies. The Obamasiah loves the wind power that will never be mainstream so much that if you want to develop some land to develop it you can now kill / injure bald or golden eagles for up to 30 years...WITH NO PENALTY!!! So much for the Bald Eagle Protection Act which states: The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668d) is a legislation in the United States of America that protects two species of eagle. The Bald Eagle was chosen as a national emblem of the United States by the Continental Congress of 1782 and was given legal protection by the Bald Eagle Protection Act of 1940. This act was expanded to include the Golden Eagle in 1962.[1] Since the original Act, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act has been amended several times. It currently prohibits anyone, without a permit issued by the Secretary of the Interior, from "taking" bald eagles. Taking is described to include their parts, nests, or eggs, molesting or disturbing the birds. The Act provides criminal penalties for persons who "take, possess, sell, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or barter, transport, export or import, at any time or any manner, any bald eagle ... [or any golden eagle], alive or dead, or any part, nest, or egg thereof."[2] The purpose of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection act is to not agitate the Bald and Golden Eagle to the extent of not 1.) Abusing an eagle, 2.) Interfering with its substantial lifestyle, including shelter, breeding, feeding, or 3.) Nest abandonment.[3] The Eagle feathers have been collected and incorporated into clothing, art, jewelry, etc. In addition, having the possession, exchange, or sale of Bald Eagle feathers violates the act if no permit is obtained. The basic structure of the act resembles the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Please note that the word "take" includes pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, molest or disturb. Then again I shouldn't be that surprised. After all this is the first man ever to be elected on the "America is a horrible evil place" platform. Hey laws are for "other people" aren't they?

Paris Hilton gets framed.

I don't blame Ms. Hilton for being pissed one damn bit. As the free world knows Nelson Mandela has passed away at age 95. Some jackwad pretending to be her went onto twitter and made the following comment: "RIP Nelson Mandela. Your 'I Have A Dream' speech was so inspiring. An amazing man,". I do not know Paris Hilton but I do know two things about her from my observations. 1. Even during her partying days she would never make a comment like this and 2. Paris Hilton is FAR from stupid and would never make a comment like this. I'm stunned that so many people would believe it. You ever notice that no one ever mentions that dozens of charities that she supports and actively works with? Not really mentioned much is it? Here's a list from That alone make her more beautiful than any picture could do justice to.

Stupid Kid Steals from Walker Wreckage

Remember when that Versace guy was gunned down in front of his home and some whacko took one of his ads out of a magazine and wiped it in his blood? Guess what kids! People haven't changed! Looks like a pair of kids decided to get some souvenirs and swiped some pieces of the wreck. Here's a link to the full article at foxnews: One thought though. I think we can all agree that this is a pretty disgusting thing for a person to do at what amounts to the grave of another. However is holding a 17 year old kid on $20,000 bail just sound a little excessive to you? I've seen murderers and rapists get out for WAY less than that.