Friday, January 11, 2008

Britney might get her kids back, sure! why not???

TMZ has learned that Monday's custody hearing could be one of the most important days in Britney Spears' life. We're told Brit must show and face the judge if she's got any hope of getting her kids back. Our sources tell us if she doesn't show, or is uncooperative, it could be curtains for her custody case.What's more, police sources tell TMZ that Commissioner Scott Gordon will hear firsthand eyewitness accounts of last Thursday's breakdown from LAPD, firefighters and paramedics who were on scene. We're told they're not going to paint a pretty picture.*

Not going to paint a pretty picture??? Are you fucking kidding me??? You mean there is actually a chance (albeit a very tiny one) that the court could grant this woman visitation??? You don't need a hearing to determine that this bitch is NUTS! I only wish she was foaming at the mouth so we could shoot her Old Yeller style and put her out of OUR misery!

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