Tuesday, January 15, 2008

K-Fed gets it!!!....Mostly.

Us Magazine got an exclusive interview with Kevin Federline and he seems to get it. He're an excerpt:

Kevin Federline says his post-marital woes with Britney Spears are just like those of any recently divorced couple.

(Wouldn't go that far K-Fed)

"Even though everything is so publicized and everybody is looking at it, it's normal for us,” he says in February’s Interview magazine.
“People put it up on this pedestal when it's really the same way that everybody else goes through their stuff, you know? It's not really any different.

“I mean, I could sit down and explain that to people, but they all already know how I feel,” he added. “I think the infatuation with the whole thing is that watching us go through things makes other people feel normal."

Now that last sentence is a statement that I can totally get behind! I know watching this crap makes me feel a hell of a lot better about my life! Thank you Kevin Federline!!!

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