Thursday, January 3, 2008

How far would you go for Hanna Montana tickets???

Ok, this one was so fucked up that I have to post it. Check this out. A 6 year old girl in texas entered a contest to win tickets to the sold out Hanna Montana concert. All you have to do is submit an essay and hope for the best. You know what could tip the odds in your favor? A little help from mommy. Priscilla Ceballos, (aka, friggin bitch on wheels) wrote an essay for her daughter to pass off has her own writing. I love the title, this one's a tear jerker: My Daddy Died This Year. Holy crap you've GOT to be kidding me. Do I really need to tell you where this one's going? Guess what, the contest people were so touched that they contacted the media (I'm sure free publicity wouldn't hurt too) and some bright boy down at ABC did some research and found out that the Department of Defense never heard of this dude. Bottom line...busted. I love mom's defense "I never said anything in the essay was true, we just wanted to win" ...brilliant. I'm sure that all sane people out there would take something that supposedly came from a 6 year old as the gospel. This was beyond messed up. Some people try to do something nice and someone has to take advantage of it. Well, the kid lost the tickets to the concert and I wonder how mom's going to explain that to a 6 year old.

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