Monday, April 14, 2008

Holy Crap! Marilyn Monroe has a sex tape!?!?

I probably shouldn't be this shocked. Fox News reports:

"A copy of the 15 minute, 16 mm film was purchased by a New York businessman who plans to lock it up, memorabilia collector Keya Morgan told the paper. The original film is reportedly held by the FBI and still remains classified.
The flick, reportedly shot in the 1950s, shows the blonde bombshell engaging in oral sex with an unidentified male. Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reportedly had his agents spend weeks trying to ascertain whether the man was either John F. Kennedy or Robert F. Kennedy, the paper said.
The black-and-white film shows the actress on her knees in front of the man, Morgan told the paper. The collector said he found the film while doing research for a Monroe documentary.
Heavily redacted, declassified FBI documents from the 1960s talk about a "French-type" film starring the late actress, who died in 1962 from an overdose of prescription drugs."

Wow! I'm friggin amazed that this thing managed to stay under the radar for so long! I'll lay (sorry) odds on that it was one of the Kennedys. Man that must have been mind blowing!(sorry).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Courtney Love loves drugs! has got some pics of Courtney Love with a big bag "o" prescription drugs. Draw your own conclusions on this one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Barron Hilton shows up at court

...and pleads no contest. TMZ reports:

A judge has ordered that 18-year-old Barron go the way of sister-in-crime Lindsay Lohan and visit the L.A. County Morgue. He was also placed on three years probation and had his license yanked for a year.Hilton was arrested in February after cops say he drove drunk, showed them a fake ID and rammed his car into a Malibu gas station employee.

Must run in the family. I wonder what grandpa Hilton must think. Barron, you're STUPID!!!...and you're kind of ugly too, Jesus man. Lucky you got money dude.

Brad Pitt is either full of himself or broke

The Pitt-Jolie's are in Texas to shoot a film and the Bradster sent his people to rent a house for him but he wanted a slight discount. People magazine reports:

Pitt’s people balked at the price. Sources familiar with the inquiry say that Pitt was interested in the Litton House, a 2,600-square-foot residence separate from the main property, which costs about $2,000 a night. Pitt's offer, via the production company, was reportedly only $3,000 for a 30-day stay. That's a whopping 95 percent discount. (The Jolie-Pitt’s opted instead to rent a house near the shooting location.)

Why would Pitt need to cut costs? It’s got nothing to do with his expanding brood, but rather the budget for “Tree of Life.” Despite the film’s big-name stars, “Tree” is more indie film than anything, and gained early notoriety when Pitt stepped in to fill the role that was supposed to have been played by Heath Ledger. In fact, most of the cast and crew are staying in rented homes in historic Smithville, Texas, according to the source.

Interesting no? I know they have half the children in the free world but there's no way they could be hard up for cash is there? I'm willing to entertain any theories here.

Monday, April 7, 2008

R.I.P. Charlton Heston

As we all know by now Charlton Heston passed away over the weekend. No words can describe this actor whose life and career spanned so many decades. He was larger than life and loved by all that knew him. He was one of Hollywoods few remaining all time greats and his roles were timeless. He played a disciple of God in several films and now God has taken him home. Good bye Charlton and thank you.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Make sure your daughters read this, Jamie Lynn Spears turns 17 tomorrow

Pregnant and still jailbait Jamie Lynn Spears turns 17 tomorrow. This girl is clearly the role model for the future of America. Is there anything left on the planet that a Spears' could do that would surprise anyone anymore? Maybe in the future her daughter will out do them all and get pregnant at 13.

Tom Cruise doesn't like it when you name drugs after him.

We probably should have seen this one coming. If you live in California and need to get really mellow just take a walk on down to the local cannabis club and score yourself a pack of "Tom Cruise Purple". That's right somebody came up with a new strain of weed that's super strong and is being marketed in a pack with a picture of Tom Cruise laughing manically on it. Needless to say Tom is pissed. Then Tom gets pissed Tom's lawyers get a phone call and get busy on your ass. But hey, it's got to be better than getting H-bombed by Xenu<

Naomi Campbell goes friggin nuts again

I know, I'm just as shocked as you are. She went totally ape shit at Heathrow Airport when they told her that they lost her luggage. They actually had to call in the cops. Want to guess what happened when the cops said that she had to get off the plane because she wasn't fit to fly? That's right she went bat-shit insane and attacked he cop. So they did the logical thing and hauled her ass into the station.

Naomi, you have a serious anger management problem. Somebody hook this bitch up to Ritalin IV drip stat!

I want to party with K-Fed!

Here's a guy the pleaded poverty in the courts and got Britney to pay for his lawyers fees. Turns out he's not so poor after all. If you look at his credit card bill you can clearly see that the man likes his fast food and liquor. Let's see what we've got here, Ralph's grocery store, Toys 'R Us, Babies 'R Us, Encino Park Liquor, Garrett Popcorn Shop, Blockbuster Video, Ikea, Smart & Final, Onstar Service Plan, Big Fish Games, Target, Boston Market, Big 5 Sporting Goods, Party House Liquor, Waste Management, Quiznos, The Spirit Shoppe, Roundtable Pizza, Honey Baked Ham, Burger King, Foot Locker, The Liquor Works, PF Chang's, Victoria's Secret, Privilege, Ann Taylor, Wendy's, Chili's, NikeTown, In N' Out Burger and Corbin Liquor.

Good God man! You got to get some self control dude. Although I'll let the Boston Market slide. They have kick ass mashed potatoes and gravy!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Raffaelo Follieri needs to get a job.

Anne Hathaway's Italian stallion was just arrested by NYPD for allegedly bouncing a real big check his ass couldn't cover.Police tell us Zac Braff-alike Raffaelo Follieri was popped for one misdemeanor count of issuing a bad check -- he's still in police custody, being booked. A source tells TMZ that the check was written for around $250,000, and when the bank said insufficient funds, it wasn't even close.That's hardly the end of the bad news for Follieri. A DC court just ordered him to pay almost $250,000 to a PR firm that he still owes for work they did.

Nice job Raffaelo, very smooth. Jane, I would strongly suggest that you consider a better choice in boyfriends. A blogger's a good choice...just throwing it out there.

Health Ledger is not the daddy.

Looks like Heath's uncle was shooting off his mouth an firing blanks again. The woman he said has Heath Ledger's love child is denying it and she's more than willing to back up her claim with a DNA test. TMZ reports:

Heath Ledger's uncle says the late actor has a love child, but the woman with whom Heath had the alleged child says no way – and is willing to back it up with a DNA test.The woman, unidentified to protect her daughter, tells the Daily Mail that "there's no proof, there's no nothing" to suggest that Heath is the dad. "The simple thing is we will do a DNA test," says the little girl's step-dad, who adds that the family has "nothing to hide." Heath's estranged uncle had blabbed to the Aussie press about Heath's having a love child when he was 17.

Between causing problems with Heath's estate and this it's beginning to look a hell of a lot like Heath Ledger's uncle is a grade A fuck.

Seinfield almost gets his dumb ass killed.

Not that it would be a huge loss to the world but Seinfeld almost smeared himself over a large part of the landscape when his breaks failed. NY Post reports:

"He was a little shocked when he walked in and it started to dawn on him what happened," she said. "I was extremely relieved and grateful and I'm feeling very lucky that nothing happened."
"It could have been a lot worse, obviously, and thank God it wasn't. He's fine," she said.
The dramatic accident occurred at 7:40 p.m. Saturday on Skimhampton Road in East Hampton, said East Hampton Police Chief Todd Sarris.

Seinfeld was alone in the vehicle, driving north toward Montauk Highway.
"The brakes went bad," Sarris said. But Jerry kept his head.

"He had to pull the emergency brake," which Sarris said still failed to halt the two-door vehicle as it headed into traffic on the highway.

Seinfeld then cut the wheel to the right and "the car rolled over" and stopped yards from the intersection - just short of other vehicles.

The 1967 Fiat BTM rolled onto the passenger side, then the roof, and finally came to rest on the driver's side.

"His actions probably avoided a very serious accident," Sarris said. "I think he was a little shaken up, with justification."

Police rushed to the scene, but the comic did not require medical attention.
The accident was chalked up to mechanical failure. Seinfeld had not been drinking and no summonses were issued, Sarris said.
Better luck next time but could someone out there PLEASE tell me that I'm not the only one who never found this guy funny? God, he's so fucking irritating.

Heidi Montag destroys John McCain.

In a new section of this blog I like to call "crap nobody cars about" Heidi Montag has announced that she endorses John McCain. Unfortunately for McCain having an airhead with a plastic chest will undoubtedly knock him down about 50 points in the poles.

You're not helping here Heidi.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant an engaged.

It's must be stupid decision day here in the control room. Looks like everyone's favorite teenager carrying a bastard child wants to make it legit. She hasn't said anything but Jamie Lynn has been walking around bajou country wearing an engagement ring. Guess someone pulled a gun on her boyfriend. Ok Magazine reports:

the wedding will take place at Serenity, the estate of big sister Britney Spears, who will likely be a bridesmaid. Jamie Lynn won’t be rushing to the altar in the typical sense, however. The magazine’s source reports that she’ll wait to get back into shape before swapping “I do’s.” “I expect she’ll want to wait at least several months to get her figure back so she can wear a beautiful wedding gown and then have her dream wedding.”

Dream wedding??? You're 16 and you're an idiot! However I wish her all the best. She's setting a fine example to the kids out there namely: get knocked up, get a G.E.D. (Good Enough Diploma) and life is great! Ten bucks says she's got another three by the time she's twenty five. Oh and by the way, there's an unconfirmed rumor going around that she's expecting a girl. Just what the world needed another Spears woman. This legend will go on forever.

Slim down with Britney!

I know this may be the most insane thing I've ever said but I think there may be a very real possibility that Britney is trying to un-fuck herself. First her guest shot on TV, then rehiring her old manager, now she seems to want to stop being a fat ass. Ok Magazine reports:

"It looked like Britney had lost 15 pounds in four weeks," a source close to the singer tells OK!. And sure enough — gone was the bloat, the ratty hair and the puffy face. In their place, a slimmer, fresh-faced girl with a smile on her face and determination in her step. So how did she do it? "Britney's a pro at losing weight fast," a Spears pal tells OK!. "She can drop seven to 10 pounds in two weeks." Although now, in Britney's case, it's about adopting a longterm plan she can stick to. Sources say Brit has given up her old unhealthy weight loss habits, like popping laxatives and diet pills.The 5-foot-4 singer has also replaced soda and fast food with five, small protein-packed meals a day. Doing so has enabled her to peel off the pounds. "Eating five meals a day will boost your metabolism," Dr. David Katzin of Fresh Diet, a meal delivery program tells OK!. "In fact, by eating superclean, Zone balanced foods at each of your five meals, you will find that your metabolism goes into overdrive, becoming extremely efficient at burning calories."And get this — Brit's even cut back on her Starbucks Frappachino fixes! "Britney used to come in every day. Now she just comes in from time to time and orders a lighter version," a barista at a Malibu Starbucks tells OK!.

To complement her healthier eating habits, Britney works out regularly as well, although you probably won't see her jogging around her neighborhood. The recovering pop star enjoys daily dance workouts at L.A.'s Millennium Dance Complex, where sources tell OK! she does squats along with chair and pole dancing. When she does run, it's on a treadmill at home, away from the spying eyes of the paparazzi."I don't like to work out because my legs get bulky," Brit has said. "Dancing makes me leaner."

Do I dare to think that Britney may want to live to see 2009??? I'm reserving judgement on this one but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Larry Rudolph is back.

Take a look at this piece of work over here. I know he looks like some sort of derelict but in actuality he's Larry Rudolph. Larry's claim to fame is that he was the guy who discovered Britney all those years ago and turned her into a megastar. However, Britney got rid of him a year ago for suggesting that rehab might do her some good. Well he's back now! Britney wants to get her career back and what better man for the job than the one that made her who she is. (interpret that any way you want.

I'd say the dude definitely has his work cut out for him but if anyone can do it it's Larry. I'm going to keep an eye on this one.

Britney gets a job offer!

Britney's old buddies the dudes from PETA have offered her a job. The highly prestigious position of secretary in one of their offices. Salary to be $1,000 to be donated to the charity of her choice. Considering the way her music career has been going I'd say jump on this one while you can! It'll be ok, Cheetos don't count as a meat product.<
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