Friday, November 20, 2009

Father of Michael Jackson accuser commits suicide.

Let's go back in time.  It's 1994 and Evan Chandler a dentist accuses Michael Jackson of molesting his son.  After the litigation goes on a bit Jackson's attorney's advise him to settle out of court.  Jackson does not want to do it, he wants his name cleared but he agrees.  Chandler walks away with 22 million dollars and Michael Jackson's good name is destroyed.  A stigma became attached to him that no act of charity could erase.  Jackson is never the same while Chandler gets millions.

I'm not a huge believer in karma but this guy makes a good argument for it.  Chandler had to get multiple plastic surgeries to alter his appearance and became increasing paranoid due to threats from Jackson fans.  Then he got cancer and finally he killed himself with a gunshot to the head. 

Interestingly enough, there are some people on the internet that are calling this the "Jackson Curse".
Karma?  Retribution?  What do you think?

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