Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nicolas Cage is an idiot.

Nicolas Cage may be a great actor but he seriously needs to get his head adjusted. Here's something I didn't know, he's a good will ambassador for the United Nation for drugs and crime. Interesting choice but I digress. Nick traveled to Kenya today to visit Shimo La Tewa prison in the costal town of Mombosa. He wanted to meet with Somali pirates imprisoned there and "get to know their stories so he could understand them better". Nick, what the hell is wrong with you? Here's what you need to understand. They're a bunch of drugged out AK-47 weilding murderers who should have not been taken alive. If you were on a merchant vessel and these guys were on board I'd like to see how far your "talking it out" gets you. Not far Nick, not far. By the way while you're over there rapping with your hijack happy new buddies you should be aware that the Feds are cleaning out all your stuff from your houses. Just a little FYI...dolt.

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