Thursday, November 19, 2009

Robert Pattinson is the devil.

Robert Pattinson has proved that he is the spawn of Satan and truly has the power to control minds and, I wish I was him.  Here's what he had to say about his powers over the fans:

"It was after a period of signing 500 signatures, and one of [the fans] just came up. You kind of get 10 seconds with each person and you never really say anything, and I kind of got bored of saying, 'Hey, how are you doing?' And [the fan] said in her 10 seconds, 'What can I do to get your attention?' I was like, 'Um, just take your clothes off.' And she stood there and frantically started taking her clothes off and got dragged out of the room by security. I never felt more terrible."

....Robert....these are the problems you want to have.

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