Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Zsa Zsa's got problems with the IRS.

Zsa Zsa Gabor (who is an astonishing 92 years old) has a few problems with the IRS.  It seems that Kevin Bacon wasn't the only celebrity who got taken by Bernard Madoff, Zsa Zsa and her husband were too.  And by were, I mean to the tune os 7 million dollars....wow.  If that wasn't bad enough, now the IRS says that she owes them over 118K.  The Gabor's are working out a payment plan with them as we speak.  I'm all for paying your taxes but isn't going after a 92 year old woman who has just lost a significant chunk of her fortune seem a little heavy handed to you? ...and they say the economy is getting better, yeah right.

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