Thursday, February 25, 2010

Levi Johnston gets bitch slapped (by the court).

Well I've got to give the little weasel credit for trying but this round has gone to Bristol Palin. As you know she was suing him for child support and he was claiming that he didn't have any money (yeah, even I wasn't buying that one) well the documents that her lawyers got that said that was a lie must have done the trick because the judge has ruled that not only does he have to pay, he has to pay retroactive since the baby's birth. So now Levi has to cough up $18,000 dollars. See what happens when you don't keep it in your pants man? Condoms Levi, condoms. I can't stress this enough man. Oh and remember buddy, the more you earn the more she can petition the court for! Enjoy the next decades of you life HA! HA! HA! STUPID!!!

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