Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bristol Palin wants da money!

If there's one thing in life I truly enjoy it's watching ex-lovers go after each other like a pair of wolverines on angel dust.  Of couse throw in a kid and it always gets a hell of a lot more entertaining.  Bristol Palin's lawyers are going after Levi Johnston for child support to the tune of  $1,688.42.  Man I don't even make that much!  There's no way you could convince me that a baby in Alaska of all places needs that kind of scratch to survive!  But I digress,  Levi's lawyers are claiming that he never made more that 10K prior to 2009 but Palins lawyers have documents that say he did.  For example a construction firm that says that they paid him 18K.  Not a lot more but enough them to call you a liar and dig deeper.  Better start hiding the sh*t man!  Then again probably too late man.  Her lawyers have already issued subpoenas to CNN, Playgirl, Entertainment Tonight, The Insider, Star Magazine, and the National Enquirer wanting dollar amounts that they gave him.  You're screwed man.  Face it you're not Joe Blow you're famous and you're not going to be able to hide the cash.  Let's face it, in the court of public opinion "crying girl with screaming baby" always trumps "guy who knocked up an underage girl and then posed for Playgirl and tried to keep all the cash"


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