Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger's mom still loves him! (how much is she getting for this?)

Tiger's mom Kultida still loves her son.  I'm not shocked of course.  How many times have you seen some kid get hauled of for murdering somebody in a botched robbery only to hear their mothers sob in front of the camera "he's a good boy!".  Ok, not quite the same thing but the principal is the same.  Here's what she had to say:

"He didn't kill anybody. He didn't do anything illegal ... People don't understand that Tiger has a very good heart and soul."

and loving Kultida, you forgot LOVING!

"If anyone tells me to condemn him, I say look at yourself first."

Sorry Kultida,  I haven't cheated on my wife and kids by sleeping with EVERY F*CKING WHORE IN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES!!!

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