Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods won't shut the hell up!

Because let's face it, there's no way to get away from this guy today Tiger gave us a really boring (but well scripted) news conference.  I'll spare you the tedium posting a transcript of it verbatum and just give you the highlights...

I'm sorry (again)

It's my fault (no sh*t)

I'm in treatment (give me a break, there's no such thing as rehab for banging whores because you know you can!  Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, some things are not due to "oh, I have an addiction, I need rehab" it's due to your OWN DARN LACK OF SELF CONTROL!!!

Elin never hit me (bullsh*t)

I'm the one to blame (once again, no sh*t)

I hurt all the kids around the world who admired me (you're a golfer....period.)

(and of course most shockingly) I've had affairs, I have cheated.   (*t.)

Blah, blah, blah, you get the idea.  Of couse one does have to ask...why the hell is he apologizing to us for?  Go apologize to your wife man!  She's the one you probably gave God knows what to!.....and you sounded like some kind of robot.  Try memorizing the speech so they don't have to read it into your earpiece.

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