Thursday, August 7, 2008

Candy (still eatin' too much of it) Spelling to write book

Lord knows why but Candy Spelling obviously needs more money since Aaron's money and her non-stop casino winnings are clearly not enough. She's told Entertainment Tonight that she's going to write a "tell all" book containing things that she's never "told anyone" before. This should make for a thoroughly gripping read. Maybe she can let me help with the title. How about "Please fork over $30 for this book so I can get fatter and you can read boring stories that weren't even good 50 years ago when they happened" by Candy Spelling or maybe "Just rubbing it in your face a little more Tori dear" by Tori Spelling or my personal favorite "SUCKERS!!!" by Candy Spelling. I can keep going all night on this one folks.
...look at that picture up there a good looking woman. Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

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