Thursday, August 21, 2008

Matt Damon need to grow a pair.

I can see where this day is going. Damon and his wife Luciana Barroso have announced the birth of their daughter Gia Zavala (good one Matt I can see your wife is calling the shots). This brings him up to three daughters. Isabella is 2 and Alexia is 10. Alexia of course not being the fruit of his loins she is Luciana's daughter through a previous marriage. Hang on a sec, Luciana's only 32 and has had a previous marriage. This chick is increasingly sounding like someone Matt shouldn't have married.

Matt will be taking time off from making movies. When asked he told OK! Magazine:

"[Luciana asked me] to take a break from work," Matt has said. "She saw a pile of scripts, and when I told her they were the movies I was supposed to shoot in the fall, she asked me if I still wanted to be her husband."

I don't know Matt maybe what you should have said was "DO YOU ENJOY THE LIFESTYLE I PROVIDE YOU??? YES? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

In case you're thinking I'm being a little harsh this bitch was a bartender when he met her and most likely a slut. I'd say she prefers limos and mansions wouldn't you? The messed up part is either way she's set for life now. Divorces are so lucrative.

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