Tuesday, August 12, 2008

China pulls an Ashlee Simpson!

Remember that adorable kid in singing the Chinese national anthem at the Olympic opening ceremonies. She was lip-syncing! Why? Because the girl who actually was singing WASN'T CUTE ENOUGH! Holy crap China, you guys are cold. CNN reports:

Games organizers confirm that Lin Miaoke, who performed "Ode to the Motherland" as China's flag was paraded Friday into Beijing's National Stadium, was not singing at all.

Lin was lip-syncing to the sound of another girl, 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, who was heard but not seen, apparently because she was deemed not cute enough.

"The reason was for the national interest," said Chen Qigang, the ceremony's musical director, in a state radio interview. "The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feeling and expression. ... Lin Miaoke is excellent in those aspects."

The decision was made at the highest levels, Chen said.

"We had to do it," he said. "We'd been through several inspections. They're all very strict. When we rehearsed at the spot, there were several spectators from various divisions, especially leaders from the Politburo, who gave the opinion it must change."

But as word has gotten out on the Internet, some Chinese bloggers are outraged.

"If you're not good-looking, no matter how well you sing, you'll not be onstage. Do you know you're twisting a whole generation?" read one comment.

Another said, "If foreigners found out, they'd think we can't even find a girl who is good at both."

That's pretty messed up China, way to make this girl feel like deformed freak. One more thing China, when it comes to putting attractive people with no talent onstage you're muscling in on OUR ACTION MAN!

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