Friday, August 8, 2008

Clay Aiken becomes a true Hollywood renegade!!!

Clay Aiken's son has arrived. He and his partner Jaymes Foster brought the little dude into the world this morning. Clay took the time to update his blog about it and this is what he had to say:

"Parker was born at a hospital in North Carolina just this morning at 8:08 a.m. Wow...8:08...08/08/08," he wrote, adding that little Parker tipped the scales at 6 pounds, 2 ounces and measured in at 19 inches.

Which is all well and good but since this is breedfest 08' and anybody who is anybody is banging out children by fair means or foul you're going to need something to stand out from the pack of Knox's, Ever Gabo's, Levi's, Harlow Winter's and Sunday Rose's. This is where Clay shows his true genius. He gave the kid A NORMAL NAME. I shit you not. Here's how he put it:

"My dear friend, Jaymes, and I are so excited to announce the birth of Parker Foster Aiken (No hyphens. One first name. One middle name. One last name)."

My God man. That takes stones of steel to go up against the Hollywood elite machine like that. A 100% totally normal, non-embarassing name that won't leave in need of therapy (i.e. Ritalin)

Awesome Clay, you rock but you better watch your back. You know what happens when you defy Angelina.

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