Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Joker gets arrested for groping an underage girl.

Ok, it's really Andy Dick but c'mon people look at the picture! Eonline reports:

The arrest-prone actor was busted in Murietta, Calif., early this morning on felony charges of sexual battery, possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana and public intoxication after allegedly groping and exposing a 17-year-old restaurant patron.

The arresting officer, Lt. Dennis Vrooman, told E! News he picked up the actor at 1:13 a.m. today outside the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant and bar after receiving a complaint about a man urinating outside and generally causing a disturbance.

I don't even know how this dude is ever allowed to roam free in the first place. He really creeps me (and I think alot of other people too) out! This is not the face of a normal man, this is the face of one crazy fuck.

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