Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Miley Cyrus wants to do a G-Rated Sex and the City...WTF???

If you can figure out a script for that one please LET ME KNOW! MSNBC reports:

It’s getting harder and harder to figure out the real Miley Cyrus. Is she a controversy-courting star or just another cherub-cheeked Disney kid? In her latest interview with TV Guide, the 15-year-old keeps the lines blurred.

In the past, Miley confessed to a love for the oh-so-adult “Sex and the City,” though according to her mother, it’s the edited for primetime version that holds her daughter’s interest. Now the teen tells TV Guide she’d “love to do a younger, cleaner version of ‘Sex and the City.’”

Just how the “Hannah Montana” actress plans to pull off a younger and cleaner version of a show about a quartet of girlfriends who share their kinkiest relationship details isn’t quite clear, but don’t count on her to clear it up.

Clean soft porn, huh??? Ok people I want you to re-read those paragraphs because I think my higher brain functions have seized up. Miley, you're becoming quite the hypocritical slut. Kudos to you! You're fulfilling your Disney destiny! They must be so proud. Do you smell that?...smells like Selma Gomez getting geared up to replace your self destructed ass. You know even Lindsay managed to hold it together until her LATE teens before self destructing. Just thought I'd mention it.

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