Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nick Hogan's having a tough time in jail! My heart bleeds.

Now that Nicks in the general population, let's intensify the sob story because HE'S the one that's suffering. Boo hoo. People magazine reports (with inserted commentary courtesy of me) :

"They had broken his spirit," (sniff, sob) Brooke Hogan, 20, tells PEOPLE. "When they put him in solitary, he was on the outs. I was worried about him, and his safety, and his well-being (I know Brooke. It keeps me up at nights too)." But now that Nick's out of a 28-day stint in solitary where he was rapidly losing weight, and in the general population (he's gotta be lovin' that!) with more privileges (like rape!), he's turning back into the little brother she knew (the kind that drinks, drag races and gets people brain damage???).

"We get to visit him three times a week like everybody else (when we have the time), but it sucks," she says. "I can't just walk over to his room and give him a hug, or talk to him, or confide in him. ... At least he's not locked in hell (have you ever been there???) , basically. And his personality is slowly coming back. I bring that out of him (no comment)." Nick, who just turned 18, is serving an eight-month jail sentence for reckless driving in an August 2007 car accident in Clearwater, Fla., that left friend John Graziano incapacitated for life. (incapacitated??? He's got a fucking hole in his fucking HEAD!)

Brooke, who is currently starring in her own reality show, Brooke Knows Best (I wouldn't bet on that one) , on VH1 says her brother's fame (???) has caused him trouble (it's not "fame" causing him trouble in jail Brooke, it's called prison justice) in jail – but nothing he can't handle (WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!!!) . "He's been threatened," she says. "Thank God he's big and he can hold his own." (BIG??? Look at the picture Brooke! I could beat this dude up!)

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