Thursday, March 4, 2010

Marie Osmond is going back to work. Something doesn't quite feel right about this one.

After missing six whole shows due to the death of her 18 year old son Marie Osmond is returning to Las Vegas the day after the funeral to resume her stage act and they even schecheduled extra shows to make up for the lost ones. I don't want to sound like a douchebag but hell, it is my blog but does this sound a little cold to anyone else? The Las Vegas Sun reports:

After the suicide of Blosil, who leapt to his death Friday night from a downtown Los Angleles apartment building, Donny & Marie have committed to performing on previously open dates covering April 13-17. Tickets go on sale Thursday at the Flamingo box office. Donny & Marie return to the stage Tuesday night for the first time since the tragedy. Six shows, total, will have been postponed by the time they take the stage again.

The week of the new performances was intended to be half of a two-week vacation for Donny & Marie. However, according to the duo's Las Vegas manager, Chip Lightman, Donny & Marie sought to accommodate fans who already had purchased tickets to shows canceled last week. Lightman added that Marie Osmond — a performer since age 3 — was eager to return to the stage, finding the process "cathartic."

Ok, 2 things:

1. Is the line "The week of the new performances was intended to be half of a two-week vacation for Donny & Marie." supposed to mean that they're making a huge sacrifice for the fans by missing their vacation. Jesus guys, sorry timing for his death wasn't better. Guess he should have scheduled an appointment.

2. You find the return to the stage after your son's death "cathartic"??? I had to look that up!!!

Catharsis (Ancient Greek: Κάθαρσις) is a Greek word meaning "cleansing", "purging", or "clarification." It is derived from the infinitive verb of Ancient Greek: καθαίρειν transliterated as kathairein "to purify, purge," and adjective Ancient Greek: καθαρός katharos "pure or clean."

Specifically in drama defined as:

Catharsis is the emotional cleansing of the audience. In relation to drama it is an extreme change in emotion resulting from strong feelings of sorrow, fear, pity, or laughter; this result has been described as a purification or a purging of such emotions (whether those of the characters in the play or of the audience).[1] More recently such terms as restoration, renewal, and revitalization have been used in relation to the effect on members of the audience

Purge your feelings of your son. Wow. Cold one Marie. You have the maternal instincts of a reptile.

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