Friday, March 5, 2010

Sarah Palin is going Hollywood!

Looks like Sarah Palin is starting to like the Hollywood scene. After her comedic stint on the "Tonight Show" she was spotted with Mark Burnett the reality show king, going from network to network. She's probably going to get a lot of criticism for this but what the hell. Let's look at the facts about Sarah Palin. Here's a woman that literally got yanked into the limelight by the Republican party to run for Vice President. When they lost what happened? McCain turned on her like a rabid animal, her own party blamed her for the loss, the press sent in investigators to uncover anything they could find on her and then they made the lives of her and her family a living hell. So now they're going to criticize her for opting for Hollywood stardom instead on politics??? Give me a break! After the way politics treated her I say GO FOR IT SARAH!!! Good luck!

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