Friday, March 5, 2010

Wayne Newton's wife ain't stupid!

Remember when your husband is getting his ass sued by a pilot who is owed some big time cash and you kinda got that feeling that the dude is going to win the case, do what any other loyal devoted wife would do:

...stand by your
...get some lawyers...maybe.
...file some court documents to make sure that when the plaintiff (Monty Ward) comes back with another truck to try to take your husband's sh*t he can't take yours!...F*CK YES, THAT'S WHAT YOU DO!!!

Wayne's wife Kathleen McCrone Newton doesn't want her stuff on the truck so she filed some papers with the court stating that certain posessions were hers and hers alone. Like the art, jewelry, instrument...the f*cking LIBRARY. Wayne! Don't be dumb man! Offer her anything she wants to protect your stuff too!!!

...although, good luck getting it back once it's in her name. How strong is your love Wayne?

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