Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kate Hudson probably made the right move by getting out now.

Now that its been a few days since the Kate Hudson - A-Rod split, it looks like Kate made the right move.  Life & Style Magazine reports that Kate had problems getting past Alex's wandering eye.  They report:

“Kate has some trust issues with A-Rod,” a friend of the “Nine” star explained. “She doesn’t know for sure if there is another woman, but there’s a girl she thinks he has a crush on. She’s been worrying about other women for a while and is definitely the jealous type.”

Worried? Seems Hudson may have finally read last year’s divorce petition from Cynthia Rodriguez, wherein A-Rod’s ex claimed his “extramarital affairs and other marital misconduct” destroyed their union. Or, as a source who overheard a conversation between Hudson and mom Goldie Hawn hinted, perhaps the actress simply had recent headlines on her mind.

Although I would say that I would not leave it up to press coverage on Tiger to make a person start second guessing their relationships, I do find that women's instinct's are rarely wrong on this matter.  If I were a friend of Kate and she told me that she had a feeling something's up.  I'd tell her to cut her losses and end it now.

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