Friday, December 4, 2009

Twilight: Breaking Dawn e-mail scam.

I suppose it's my ethical duty to report this.   I know there are those of you who are, how shall I put this, BAT SH*T INSANE when it comes to Twilight.  So listen up.

There's a ass load of e-mails going around the net advertising casting calls for the next Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn.  Much like the President of Nigeria, they want you  to send money to be registered at a website and the fake walk on roles will pay $80 - $250 depending on the role.  Do not fall for this and make me loose what little hope I have for the future.

Lana Veenker, casting director had this to say:

“First of all, I knew it wasn’t credible because ‘Breaking Dawn’ doesn’t go into production for several months, so no casting director would have been hired yet,” says casting director Lana Veenker, who handled Northwest casting on the first “Twilight” film. “Also, the shoot location hasn’t even been announced! How would anyone even know which city or country to be casting in?”

“People who take advantage of kids like this, who prey on their hopes and dreams, truly raise my ire,” she said in a statement released to Access. “I get thousands of letters and e-mails from ‘Twilight’ fans who would do just about anything for a walk-on part in one of the sequels. It scares me to think of what the low-lives out there could do to hurt such easy targets.”

Does this mean that Twilight is bigger than Harry Potter?  Cause I don't remember this sh*t when that film came out.

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