Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger was deeply traumatized by his father's cheating ways...wait...huh???

This is either the biggest load of hypocracy I've ever heard or a sad attempt to look like Mr. Sensitive to get a girl into bed.  I'm going with B.  Tiger's high school girl had this to say about young Tiger.  E! News reports:

Dina Parr, whom he dated during high school and into his freshman year in college, exclusively tells E! News that Woods would call her from the road during the summer to talk about his parents' relationship.

"He would just call crying and say, 'My dad is with another woman,' and that would be all he could say," she says. "He would be so upset, so I just tried to be there for him and listen to him."

Woods was famously close to his dad, Earl, who died in 2006.

"He loved his father," Parr tells E! News in the exclusive interview. "And I know that was the one thing about his dad that he could never get over. So yeah, it's interesting that it's turned out that he's doing the same thing."

I'm not so sure if "interesting" would be the word I would use.  How about PLAYA!

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