Friday, December 11, 2009

The porn star one says she's "not a homewrecker"! Then what are you?

Holly Sampson, who TMZ says is mistress #7 (I'll take their word on it) says she's not a homewrecker because she met (banged) Tiger at a bachelor party (his) in 2004 and since he wasn't married yet it's totally ok.

Sidenote:  To all readers male or female.  If you found out your fiance' f*cked a porn star on their bachelor / bachelorette party.  Would you find that "OK"?   Neither would I.

She also doesn't like being grouped with the others!

"Although I enjoyed our time together, I never was and never will be one of Tiger's mistresses.I resent being put in the same category as the other women."

I love how they're all trying to make like they're in a different category!  "I'm not a...(homewrecker / mistress / porn star / cocktail girl / escort / easy ) because Tiger at the time was...(married / unmarried / out of town / holding a fistful of $20's with this wedding band exposed)".   I'm going to save all of you "ladies" the trouble of straining your minds to try to make yourselves feel unique or totally "innocent" (see above).  Let's go for 1 blanket term...slut.

You're welcome.

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