Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nice going Tiger, now you got whole country of Sweden after you...stupid!

Access Hollywood had a cool article on the Swedish reaction to the Tiger Woods scandal. for those of you who don't speak Swedish I will translate:

The Woods sex scandal has indeed struck a particularly raw nerve in Sweden (THEY'RE PISSED!), where Nordegren’s transition from being a nanny for golfer Jesper Parnevik to the wife of one of the world’s most famous athletes was long seen as a fairy-tale romance (THAT WENT FRIGGIN SOUTH!!!).

Over the last five years, sightings of the couple on the streets of Stockholm or in nearby Vaxholm in the archipelago — where Nordegren grew up — helped create a sense of connection to a man renowned for his reclusive persona (AND NON-RECLUSIVE COCK!!!).

But like the drop in temperatures that brought a blizzard of snow (AND WHORES...MANY...MANY  WHORES!!!)over the Scandinavian country on Tuesday, Woods’ admitted (YOU CAN'T REALLY DENY IT) betrayal of his wife has turned public opinion considerably cooler.

“We have taken him to heart and almost viewed him like one of us (ONLY BLACK!),” said Niklas Olovzon, a sponsorship and brand expert who heads the communications agency S&B. “Of course that has made this a much bigger deal … I don’t think we’ll forgive him as quickly.”

Instead, there is an outpouring of sympathy and support for Nordegren, who has claims to fame in Sweden beyond her marriage to Woods. Nordegren’s mother, Barbro Holmberg, is a well-known Social Democratic politician and former migration minister while her father Thomas Nordegren is a prominent radio journalist (WHO WANTS YOUR ASS DEAD!!!).

“She comes from two sort of Swedish houses of nobility (THEY GOT MUSCLE!), so there is a sense that this is personal (REAL PERSONAL!), McCormac said. “I’m not sure how much the Swedish public embraced Elin before this. But now, that sense of ownership and that sense of communion with her has gotten stronger.”

That’s been evident in the country’s newspapers during the last few weeks, where the numerous front-page headlines and articles have focused as much on Nordegren as on Woods (AND REVENGE!).

There has been constant speculation about whether she’ll stay with her husband (NO F*CKING WAY!), advice about how to repair her marriage (KILL HIM.), and jokes about why she used a golf club to smash the back passenger windows of Woods’ SUV the night of his infamous car crash outside their home in Florida (JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE). Local police said his wife told them she did it to help get her husband out (OF THIS MORTAL COIL!).

In a country that prides itself on gender equality and independent women, the image of a golf club-wielding Nordegren is a source of widespread satisfaction (HILLARY KNOWS HOW YOU FEEL!).

“For us, it was almost a positive thing that she smashed the car window,” Olovzon said. “We like strong women in a lot of ways (THEY MAKE GOOD ENFORCERS).”

Britta Svensson, a columnist in the newspaper Expressen, summed it up like this:

“A week ago, Tiger and Elin were the cutest couple on the globe,” Svensson wrote shortly after the reports of numerous mistresses started seeping out. “Now our Swedish hearts are brimming with pride that our own Elin — not a regular nanny but the daughter of a Social Democratic minister and Swedish Radio journalist — didn’t take any … Elin is our heroine (A VALKRIE OF VENGENCE!).”

The same can no longer be said of Woods, of course, regardless of golf’s immense popularity in the country (??? UNTRANSLATABLE)

Thank you, 'Hej då'

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