Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Me thinks Star Magazine might be full of sh*t.

This little Tiger bandwagon might be getting out of control because now it looks like people are just making sh*t up.  Looks like any woman who has been photographed with Tiger is now fair game.  Case in point Star Magazine has a pic of Tiger with Jessica Simpson so now they've got a whole story on their seedy affair (yeah right).  Star writes:

Just days before Jessica's split with Tony Romo, she had a sizzling meeting with the fallen golf star at the AT&T National Pro-Am golf tournament in Bethesda, Md.

"Tiger liked what he saw and let her know it," a source tells Star.

Since Jess had been fighting with Tony — who was Tiger's golf partner at the July tournament — she gave as good as she got.

“Jessica said that she felt like Tony wasn’t paying attention to her, so she was like, ‘What the heck!’ ” says the source. “She decided to have fun with Tiger whether it bothered Tony or not.”

Their words in the italics!  Not mine!    "He saw what he liked and let her know it?" "Gave as good as she got?" "What the heck"!?!  Jesus, it sounds like it was written by a horny 13 year old.   Hey Star Magazine!  Try hiring some writers who are PAST puberty!!!

Remember kids, if you want to read the rest of the article you have to buy a copy of Star Magazine they won't tell you on their website.  Alternatively, you could just read it in the supermarket checkout and keep your money.  Whatever's good for you.

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