Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So that's how Tiger did it...hush money! Should have seen that one coming.

So that's how Tiger pulled it off for so long without anyone knowing...cold hard cash!  How much does this guy make???  MSNBC reports:

According to several women who were involved with the golfer, Woods wired money to them on a monthly basis. The dollar amounts they cite range from $5,000 to $10,000 per month, and there’s talk among those women that someone out there might be getting as much as $20,000 per month.

“The money comes via a wire transfer,” said one woman. “There’s no contract about it, there’s no discussion about what it’s for, but it’s implied that it’s in exchange for keeping quiet about his affair.”

With paying off just about every woman on the planet, that's GOT to add up!  You know Tiger, one mistress would have been a hell of alot cheaper.  FYI

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