Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ok, so now Tiger's mistress DID do much for deny everything.

Well at first she did but now Rachel Uchitel has turned 180 and now says that Tiger and her were doing the freak nasty.  TMZ reports:

Sources say less than an hour before Tiger's accident, Rachel and Tiger were texting each other. Elin confronted Tiger and asked whom he was texting. She grabbed the phone and we're told she called Rachel to confront her. According to sources, Tiger and Elin began arguing and the phone broke in the process.

We're also told there was damage as a result of the altercation in the vestibule area of Tiger's home -- damage that cannot be easily repaired, and that is why Tiger would not let police come in.

Good lord man!  Elin broke your phone, your house AND your car Tiger???  I heard of hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned  but Jesus man!  Did you know she was capable of this kind of destruction BEFORE the marriage?  Give her whatever she wants man if you value your life!

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