Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hulk Hogan is so detached from reality it makes me want to vomit.

Just when I think this jerkoff can't get any worse he goes that extra mile. Father of year was on Larry King last night and said the following about his son's crash victim John Graziano:

Hulk said he felt Nick's accident, which put friend John Graziano in a vegetative state, was God's plan to make John a better person.

Do I really need to go any further than that. Holy crap man, is anyone in that family capable to taking any responsibility??? Let me make sure I'm keeping score according to both Nick and Hulk this accident was the fault of:

1. The other driver.
2. John Graziano (for being in the car).
3. John Graziano (for not wearing a seat belt).
4. God.

Am I leaving anyone out???

...oh and by the way he called Nick's drag racing "precision driving"...stupid fuck.

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