Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Use your kids to boost your ratings?....hmmmm.

This must be kid pimping day in The Control Room and nobody told me. That nut job Denise Richards wants her kids who are already on her reality show against Charlie's wishes to have MORE air time. She seems to think that this will boost her ratings. Not bloody likely Denise. Of course being a denizen of tinsel town means that whatever you do, no matter how questionable is actually the fault of someone else, namely Charlie. MSNBC reports:

Richards apparently thinks that Sheen set the precedent for having the kids on TV since he had daughter Sam appear on “Two and a Half Men.” She feels that Sam and Lola can only make her show more interesting to watch.

The Sheen source argues that her logic is flawed: “But Sam was only 8 months old at the time, was in a baby basket, and presented as a character for exactly 39 seconds,” the source told the magazine. Since Richards’ rep issued the standard denials, we’ll have to wait it out to see what happens.

Charlie, what the hell were you smoking when you decided that it would be a good idea to marry this fucking bitch??? You're lucky it didn't kill you cause it must have been some pretty strong stuff man. Seriously, you gotta get yourself a better lawyer cause she keeps coming out of the court smiling and then shit like this happens. You're starting to look bad here man.

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