Monday, June 30, 2008

Mini Me gets busted by the IRS! Nice job slick!!!

Wow first the worst sex tape ever made and now this. Verne Troyer, you need to get out of fucking Dodge. TMZ reports:

Verne Troyer might want to call his accountant -- he owes almost $300k in back taxes.The state of California has filed a $$26,812 lien against the diminutive actor in April for unpaid taxes from 2004-05. Then the IRS filed a $256,551 lien against Troyer in March 2007. His former manager told the Detroit News the issue was "being handled" - presumably not the way he handled the chick in the sex tape.

You know Verne, if you sell that sex tape and if enough freaks buy it, you might be able to pay back the government...might.

*and no I'm still not posting a picture of you because the sight of you makes me want to vomit!

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