Thursday, June 26, 2008

An open letter to Charlie Sheen.

Dear Mr. Sheen,

I warned you, I bloody warned you that if you didn't put a stop to the psychotic super bitch ex wife of your she's just going to keep doing more and more fucked up shit and the kids are going to be the ones who suffer. So when I turn on the TV and I see Denise Richards being interviewed acting all holier-than-thou while say that the kids are in THERAPY and she glad that they have someone to listen to their problems (mothers don't do that anymore by the way) I have to fight the uncontrollable urge to kick in my set because since when to 2 AND 4 YEAR OLD CHILDREN NEED A FUCKING THERAPIST!?!?!?!...oh wait I just remembered who the woman in the middle of the picture is.

Any way, get a better lawyer and stop this bitch now before your kids turn into Charles Manson worshippers. We're all behind you.

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