Friday, August 29, 2008

David Ducovny is "addicted"???

Now it's nothing new for a celebrity to go into rehab. Hell, they've made a whole damn reality show based on it! Everyone's in it for drugs or alcohol...except David Ducovny. If you can believe this one he's checked himself into rehab for sex addiction. Yes, you heard that one correctly. Ducovny is a sex addict.

David, I'd like to speak to you frankly here.

A. As far as addictions are concerned this is the kind of problem you want to have.

B. Your wife is Tea Leoni. This is not an addiction that needs to be treated with drugs. This is an addiction that needs to be treated...with sex. A great deal of sex. As often as is humanly possible for as long as it takes.

Let's let the healing begin David.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jennifer Garner is GUESS WHAT!!!

She's pregnant too. Ok, that's it. I'm taking the rest of the day off there's nothing left here. I'm practically praying for somebody to get busted for DUI here people!
(photo from

Ok, this is getting out of control.

Angie Harmon's pregnant. This will be her 3rd child with her husband Jason Sehorn. This rampant reproduction is now offically getting out of control. When the hell did this become a trend???

Matt Damon need to grow a pair.

I can see where this day is going. Damon and his wife Luciana Barroso have announced the birth of their daughter Gia Zavala (good one Matt I can see your wife is calling the shots). This brings him up to three daughters. Isabella is 2 and Alexia is 10. Alexia of course not being the fruit of his loins she is Luciana's daughter through a previous marriage. Hang on a sec, Luciana's only 32 and has had a previous marriage. This chick is increasingly sounding like someone Matt shouldn't have married.

Matt will be taking time off from making movies. When asked he told OK! Magazine:

"[Luciana asked me] to take a break from work," Matt has said. "She saw a pile of scripts, and when I told her they were the movies I was supposed to shoot in the fall, she asked me if I still wanted to be her husband."

I don't know Matt maybe what you should have said was "DO YOU ENJOY THE LIFESTYLE I PROVIDE YOU??? YES? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

In case you're thinking I'm being a little harsh this bitch was a bartender when he met her and most likely a slut. I'd say she prefers limos and mansions wouldn't you? The messed up part is either way she's set for life now. Divorces are so lucrative.

Yep, Ricky Martin's as gay as Clay Aiken.

Ricky's playing for another team but rather than admit it he's chosen to attempt to cover it up by having children...with a surrogate mother. Yep, Ricky's got twin boys who were born a few weeks ago and didn't have to go through all that annoying sex to get them. I believe Angelina Jolie's also familiar with this method. A statement released says that Ricky will be spending the rest of the year out of the public eye (he was in it???) to spend time with his boys. Wow Ricky, a whole half a year? I'm glad to see his maternal instincts have fully developed.

(photo from wireimage)

Monday, August 18, 2008

This better be a sick joke.

Lohan is converting to Judaism because that's the religion of her "girlfriend" Samantha. I'm going to make my position 100% clear on this one. Lindsay! You are NOT a lesbian, you are NOT a Jew and you are NOT revitalizing your career with this shit! We're getting tired of it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

China pulls an Ashlee Simpson!

Remember that adorable kid in singing the Chinese national anthem at the Olympic opening ceremonies. She was lip-syncing! Why? Because the girl who actually was singing WASN'T CUTE ENOUGH! Holy crap China, you guys are cold. CNN reports:

Games organizers confirm that Lin Miaoke, who performed "Ode to the Motherland" as China's flag was paraded Friday into Beijing's National Stadium, was not singing at all.

Lin was lip-syncing to the sound of another girl, 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, who was heard but not seen, apparently because she was deemed not cute enough.

"The reason was for the national interest," said Chen Qigang, the ceremony's musical director, in a state radio interview. "The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feeling and expression. ... Lin Miaoke is excellent in those aspects."

The decision was made at the highest levels, Chen said.

"We had to do it," he said. "We'd been through several inspections. They're all very strict. When we rehearsed at the spot, there were several spectators from various divisions, especially leaders from the Politburo, who gave the opinion it must change."

But as word has gotten out on the Internet, some Chinese bloggers are outraged.

"If you're not good-looking, no matter how well you sing, you'll not be onstage. Do you know you're twisting a whole generation?" read one comment.

Another said, "If foreigners found out, they'd think we can't even find a girl who is good at both."

That's pretty messed up China, way to make this girl feel like deformed freak. One more thing China, when it comes to putting attractive people with no talent onstage you're muscling in on OUR ACTION MAN!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Issac Hayes passes away.

Music legend Isaac Hayes passed away this weekend as well. He was found lying on the floor next to a treadmill in his Memphis home. He was 65. Police do not suspect foul play. Hayes was an extremely talent performer who could do both music and acting. If you have never seen Escape from New York, rent it. His character, much like the man was larger than life. He will also be forever known as the voice of Chef from South Park where he found a whole new generation of fans until his falling out with the show's creators.

Hayes is survived by 12 children and 16 grandchildren.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bernie Mac passes away.

Mac passed away today in Chicago from complications due to pneumonia. He was 50 years old. A career cut far too short. Bernie's comedy drew on a number of experiences from his childhood and he was no stranger to controversy. In just a few years this amazingly talented man became a household name.

George Clooney has said that with Bernie's passing the world "became a little less funny". I have to respectfully disagree I think the world became a lot less funny. Even in movies where he was supporting actor such as Charlie's Angels, Bad Santa and Transformers he managed to steal every scene he was in. I don't think it was possible to not like him.

Your talent and charisma were second to none. Goodbye Bernie, you will be very sorely missed.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Clay Aiken becomes a true Hollywood renegade!!!

Clay Aiken's son has arrived. He and his partner Jaymes Foster brought the little dude into the world this morning. Clay took the time to update his blog about it and this is what he had to say:

"Parker was born at a hospital in North Carolina just this morning at 8:08 a.m. Wow...8:08...08/08/08," he wrote, adding that little Parker tipped the scales at 6 pounds, 2 ounces and measured in at 19 inches.

Which is all well and good but since this is breedfest 08' and anybody who is anybody is banging out children by fair means or foul you're going to need something to stand out from the pack of Knox's, Ever Gabo's, Levi's, Harlow Winter's and Sunday Rose's. This is where Clay shows his true genius. He gave the kid A NORMAL NAME. I shit you not. Here's how he put it:

"My dear friend, Jaymes, and I are so excited to announce the birth of Parker Foster Aiken (No hyphens. One first name. One middle name. One last name)."

My God man. That takes stones of steel to go up against the Hollywood elite machine like that. A 100% totally normal, non-embarassing name that won't leave in need of therapy (i.e. Ritalin)

Awesome Clay, you rock but you better watch your back. You know what happens when you defy Angelina.

PBS wants to make Mister Rogers go away.

PBS, you've gone waaaaaaay too far this time.

After decades of syndication and hundred of shows PBS wants to shut down the Neighborhood of Make Believe. Starting in September these public television Nazis intend to stop showing it in and instead regulate it to one episode per week. The one normal children's program on the air and they want to tank it. I don't think I need to get into the impact that Mister Rogers made on all of our lives and I don't think I need to get into how myself and everyone else felt when he died. What I do need to say is this: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM PBS, NOT MAKING ENOUGH MONEY??? Unlike Hannah Montana, Mister Rogers' face isn't smeared all over the landscape on every sell able product humanly imaginable! What the hell are you going to replace him with??? The Teletubbies? How about Barney? Oh wait I got it the Doodlebops right?!?

If this ticks you off too and you don't want to see this crime against humanity happen then click onto and join the fight to save Mister Rogers!

Mister Rogers was always there for us, now it's our turn to be there for him.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Candy (still eatin' too much of it) Spelling to write book

Lord knows why but Candy Spelling obviously needs more money since Aaron's money and her non-stop casino winnings are clearly not enough. She's told Entertainment Tonight that she's going to write a "tell all" book containing things that she's never "told anyone" before. This should make for a thoroughly gripping read. Maybe she can let me help with the title. How about "Please fork over $30 for this book so I can get fatter and you can read boring stories that weren't even good 50 years ago when they happened" by Candy Spelling or maybe "Just rubbing it in your face a little more Tori dear" by Tori Spelling or my personal favorite "SUCKERS!!!" by Candy Spelling. I can keep going all night on this one folks.
...look at that picture up there a good looking woman. Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

Feds close case on Heath Ledger...insert conspiracy theory here.

The Feds have called off the investigation on Heath Ledger's death. People magazine reports:

The U.S. Attorney's Office closed its investigation into Heath Ledger's accidental overdose death and will not enforce a subpoena against Mary-Kate Olsen, a law-enforcement source tells PEOPLE.

The probe was closed without any charges being filed. Olsen, 22, was subpoenaed by a federal grand jury on April 23, but her attorney had been in negotiations with federal authorities since then, the source says. Olsen had wanted immunity before testifying. Olsen's attorney released a statement saying the actress "had nothing to do" with Ledger's drugs and had already provided "relevant information" to investigators. The U.S. Attorney's Office and Olsen's rep both declined to comment.

I'm expecting about 12 million conspiracy theories on how Heath Ledger "really died". Now I don't know what all this Olsen shit was but the Feds seem to think it was nothing if they're dropping it. Probably some sort of stupid publicity stunt. Sometimes famous people die tragically in accidents but I don't expect the tabloids to buy that one when there are papers to sell and no name assholes who didn't even know Heath who are working on their "tell all" novels as we speak. I expect the future publications to both make millions for these vultures and make me sick.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Scarlett Johansson is an idiot.

Scarlett's back and she seems to be on a crusade to spout insane gibberish out of her cake hole. She talked to Entertainment Tonight and here's what she had to say about her engagement to a Canadian:

I'm very excited," the Vicky Cristina Barcelona star, 23, tells Entertainment Tonight Canada in an interview airing Tuesday. "I've had wonderful times in Canada. It's a lovely country. It's a beautiful country and hopefully I'll be able to get through immigration faster now!"

When jokingly told by ET Canada's Roz Weston that Reynolds, 31, is "a prince up there," Johansson responded, "Wow. That's fantastic. Do I get anything from it?" Weston quipped that Johansson may receive a crown "made out of beaver" or "possible moose," to which Johansson responded, "Okay, that's creepy – an animal on my head. If it's alive, maybe. Um, I guess so. I don't know! I'll take it!”

Wow. Like Jesus Christ dude you ARE fucking stupid. Scarlett please move to Canada since you love it there so much. Maybe they can handle your level of stupidity but I don't feel that America can anymore.

Scarlett Johansson is still delusional.

Remember when Scarlett was going on about her "special" relationship with Obama until he decided he'd had enough to her crazy statements to the press and told them "I don't know what this bitch is talking about". Well it only took her little air filled head a couple of months to come up with a response and here it is, eonline reports:

Scarlett Johansson apparently never had a crush on Barack Obama. Or at least in the way some media outlets have made it out to be.

In fact, the actress believes all the attention surrounding her recent comments about an email relationship with the Democratic presidential hopeful reeks of "extreme sexism."

"I kept thinking to myself, 'God, if this was just, like, Kal Penn or George Clooney or any of the other [Obama] surrogates or supporters...there wouldn't be [any] question about it" she tells the Associated Press. "Nobody would even talk about it."

Perhaps. But then again, that Kumar guy never claimed to have had a "personal dialogue" with the Illinois senator, only to have him say that he had replied to just one email which had been forwarded to him by an assistant.

Let me make sure I've got this straight. Your response to Obama saying you're full of shit is that the press is extremely sexist for questioning their story which they didn't. THAT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING SENSE WHAT SO EVER!!!

Man I used to think this chick was hot but I don't care how hot someone is when there's more than one person living inside that head and they're both confused, stay the hell away from me!
...and do something with that chin. You could put some body's eye with that.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bernie Mac is in the hospital. What the hell is going on today???

Despite dramatic rumors about the state of his health, "Bernie Mac is still alive and being treated in a Chicago hospital for pneumonia and is expected to make a full recovery," his rep tells PEOPLE. "We once again ask that the press respect his privacy and that of his family," says Danica Smith.

The actor-comedian (real name: Bernard Jeffery McCullough), 50, was hospitalized in Chicago for pneumonia, Smith told PEOPLE on Friday. "Mr. Mac is responding well to treatment and will be released soon," she said in a statement. "He asked that his privacy and that of his family is respected while he gets well."

It was further stated that the pneumonia was not related to Mac's 2005 diagnosis of sarcoidosis, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in organs such as the lungs or lymph nodes.

Jesus, they're dropping like flies in L.A. I hope you get better Bernie, you're one of he few comedians that's acutally funny. Good luck man, we're pulling for you.

Morgan Freeman in car crash.

Breaking with Hollywood tradition, Morgan Freeman was in a car crash over the weekend that did NOT involve alcohol in any way, shape or form. eonline reports:

The Oscar-winning Batman sidekick is listed in serious condition in a Memphis hospital following a Sunday night car accident, says hospital spokeswoman Kathy Stringer.

Mississippi Highway Patrol spokesman Ben Williams told Memphis' NBC affiliate that Freeman and an unidentified female passenger were heading east on state Highway 32 when his vehicle went off the road. Freeman then overcorrected the vehicle, causing his 1997 Nissan Maxima to flip several times before coming to a rest.

CBS' Memphis affiliate, WREG, reported that Freeman may have fallen asleep at the wheel. Rescue crews needed the jaws of life to free him from the vehicle, but he apparently was coherent enough to talk to state troopers at the scene.

Sounds like a bad one to me. I'll keep you posted.

Shie LeBeouf's hurt his hand a little bit worse than I thought.

Shia LaBeouf's injured hand is vulnerable to infections and other complications after last weekend's truck wreck, his lawyer tells the Associated Press, and we have the first pics of the actor's cast.

"Shia's left hand was crushed," his attorney Michael Norris says of the accident.
The 'Transformers' star was arrested after his crash on suspicion of drunk driving. He then underwent "extensive" hand surgery. On Tuesday, an LAPD spokesman told ET that Shia didn't cause the accident -- the other driver involved blew a red light.

Wow, good thing he was drunk cause that sounds like it hurt like hell!
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