Thursday, January 31, 2008

The details on Britney's trip to the hospital.

>Certainly was a long night wasn't it? I know this crap woke me up faster than a handfull of uppers washed down with a triple espresso. According to TMZ this is what happened:

Last night, Britney's new psychiatrist went to her home and felt she was a danger to herself and others -- partly because of her reckless driving and partly because of her "downhill behavior." As a result, the shrink launched a plan (days in the making) to have Britney committed to UCLA Medical Center by calling the cops.Sources tell us the cops knew it was coming. In fact, the plan was for cops and paramedics to take Britney away the night before, but it was scrubbed.

Last night, it all went down according to plan. Cops even used code to minimize craziness in transporting Britney to the hospital. Over the police radio, she was referred to as "The Package."Before the cops arrived, the shrink told her she was going back to the hospital and she offered no resistance. She said, "Is something wrong?" She made hot chocolate and waited. Her mom, Lynne, got extremely agitated, accusing Sam of engineering the impending commitment. We're told Brit told her to "shut the hell up." She demanded silence, sat on the floor and wrote notes to people who were there as they waited. When emergency personnel arrived, Brit went on the gurney without resistance.

Screw soap operas! Where the hell else are you going to find drama like this???

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Larry Birkhead will be the first to tell you life goes on...

Does this mean that we're technically past the grieving period?

Mark David Kaplan knows how to get paid...

...and it sure as hell isn't going to be from his client K-Fed. Everyone's favorite legal baddass has filed a petition with the court. He wants Britney to pay for his legal fees to the sweet tune of $500,000 smackers. Considering Britney's experience with the courts I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the judge ordering Britney to pay is pretty much a done deal. Good one Kaplan, didn't see that one coming.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This is low even by my standards.

You're not going to believe just how low some people can sink. TMZ is reporting that some douchebag out there was on the phone impersonating Heath Ledger's father. The fake got Tom Cruise on the line who consoled him and almost got John Travolta to buy him a plane ticket. This jerk even got through to the Campbell funeral home and talked them into booking him a room at the Carlyle Hotel!

It's hard to believe that there are people out there sick enough to pull a stunt like that. Anybody that messed up NEEDS to be dragged out into the street and shot, period.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My faith in family court is a little better now...but not much.

here's how it went down. Britney shows up for court for the hearing that she asked for, goes through the metal detectors, then decides "screw it" and never actually makes it to the courtroom.

In a move that stunned me considering how lenient the courts have been with her, the judge decided not to change the current situation of no visitation with K-Fed retaining full custody. Wow.

However, on February 19th will be the next hearing so she will get another chance to try again...if she can actually make it physically into the courtroom.

Jack Nicholson is bat-shit insane.

Well we already knew that but let's see what you make of this: Last night in London Jack was told by the papparazzi about Heath Ledgers death. His response: "I warned him". I can't be the only person that thinks Jack is full of shit. What the hell is that dudes problem? By the way Jack once said in an interview that he was furious that Ledger was going to play the Joker in the new Batman movie so I don't think Jack had a lot of love for the man. Shut the fuck up Jack, a man died here no one wants to hear your made up holier than thou shit.

At this point is looks like Heath Ledger's death was an accident. is reporting that their sources in the NYPD are telling them that Heath Ledger's death does not look like a suicide. I myself am thinking that they're probably right. Most people don't commit suicide naked. However I'm going to wait for the final determination from the coroner. Ever since this story broke there has been so much misinformation and conflicting reports on the Internet that people are putting up there any rumor that they hear without verifying if it's true so I'm not going to post on this one again until official word comes in. This is a very tragic event and there's no need to make the situation worse.

You've GOT to be friggin kidding me.

At the risk of going on a rant I'd just like to state again that men have no rights when it comes to family court. This is proven to me time and time again. Well the same laws that give a psychopath like Britney a million last chances to get visitation has done it again. Denise Richards got what she wanted. Despite the fact that in her divorce agreement with Charlie Sheen it specifically states that both parents must jointly agree on decisions regarding the children, the judge told Richards that she can go ahead with the reality program despite Sheens protests that it was exploiting the children. In my opinion this renders the whole divorce settlement null and void since it can be altered without Sheens approval to serve his ex-wife at any time she wishes it.

Great job Denise Richards for being a fantastic mother and whoring out your kids so you can make a buck, after all it's not like you can actually get a job yourself and thank you to America's family courts for being a bunch of one sided fucks. Thank you for making certain that I have no belief that any man will ever get justice in the event of divorce. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Holy crap! Heath Ledger is dead!

Heath Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment by his housekeeper this afternoon at 3:26pm. Details are still sketchy but apparently there were pills all around the body.

More as it develops.

Fred Thompson drops out of the race for president and takes his trophy wife with him.

Well it's official, Fred Thompson has dropped out of the race for president. This was a dude that generated a huge amount of attention in the media when they were speculating if he was going to run or not. It's kind of ironic that the second he actually commits to running, he instantly crashes and burns in every single primary.

It's a pity because I for one think that America was finally ready to have a first lady that was actually HOT!

Amy Winehouse goes into rehab...more shocks.

Looks like our favorite crack whore has checked herself into the Edward rehab facility. Somehow I'm just not that optimistic about this one.

Britney wants to see her kids.

TMZ has learned Britney Spears' lawyers will go to court tomorrow and ask Commissioner Scott Gordon to allow Brit "monitored visitation in a therapeutic setting."

Of course the only therapeutic setting that I would accept would be Britney tied to a table with electrodes strapped to her head and a decent amount of voltage going through her brain. What can I say, I thinking about the kids here.

Denise Richards wants to prostitute her kids. (Also shocking)

Looks like today's "report the fucking obvious" day here in The Control Room. Denise Richards (who God knows can't act or get a job acting to save her life) wants to put her kids on a reality show, guess what, Charlie Sheen has a problem with that. Extra reports:

"This goes against everything Sheen believes in… and he feels it’s exploitative of the children for the mother’s own vanity and greed," a source close to Sheen reveals to Extra.
In order for their girls to appear on the show, Sheen has to give his approval. So far, he has refused. Richards will reportedly ask the court to revoke Sheen’s power as father in this particular matter, so she can move forward with the show without his consent.

This would probably be more shocking if it wasn't for the fact that we both know that Denise Richards is fucked in the head.

Amy Winehouse smokes crack!....No shit.

I know I'm as shocked as you are but the British magazine The Sun says that it has pictures of Amy Winehouse smoking crack....and snorting cocaine...and snorting powdered Ecstasy (you can do that???)...and telling her friends that she also popped six Valiums. Thus proving my theory that Amy Winehouse is in fact the illegitimate daughter of Keith Richards and cannot die no matter how many drugs she takes and trust me nothing scares me more than the thought of an immortal Amy Winehouse.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Such is the fickleness that is Britney.

Adnan Ghalib...last week she wanted to have his kid, this week she kicked his worthless ass into the street. Such is the way of the Britney.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Phil is sorry...that he's an idiot.

Check out this little statement he made to USA Today:

Phil McGraw says his recent visit to Britney Spears in the hospital was appropriate. His only regret: issuing a statement about it. (no shit man)

"Was it helpful to the situation? Regrettably, no. (fuck no!) It was not, and I have to acknowledge that and I do," (I also have to acknowledge how badly my attempt at self promotion blew up in my face) the talk show host told his audience Thursday during taping of a Dr. Phil episode that will run Monday. (provided I'm not taken off the air before then)

"I definitely think if I had it to do over again, I probably wouldn't make any statement at all. Period." (and forgo the free publicity)

Later, in an exclusive interview with USA TODAY, McGraw discussed events that have made him the focus of intense criticism: the Jan. 5 hospital visit (STUPID), his statement about it to Entertainment Tonight (really STUPID) and a planned then canceled episode that was to have focused on Spears' situation. (career suicide)

At the request of Spears' parents, McGraw says, he visited the pop star as "a friend and ally of the family," not as a psychologist (bullshit). He stopped practicing years ago and is not licensed in California.(felony)

Keep up the good work Phil!

Man, I thought I was cold when it came to Britney.

Associated Press began preparing Britney Spears’ obituary within the past month, has learned.

"We are not wishing it, but if Britney passed away, it’s easily one of the biggest stories in a long time," AP entertainment editor Jesse Washington tells Us.

"I think one would agree that Britney seems at risk right now," Washington adds. "Of course, we would never wish any type of misfortune on anybody and hope that we would never have to use it until 50 years from now…but if something were to happen, we would have to be prepared."

Wow, that's cold dude. I can certainly understand it but I would have kept that bit of information to myself.

Miley Cyrus Ashley Tisdale...WTF???

Ok, it's seems to be weird picture day here in The Control Room so somebody please tell me what the hell I'm supposed to make of this!?!

Bobby Fischer is Dead...No Big Loss.

Bobby Fischer died yesterday in a hospital in Iceland. He was 64. The child prodigy who took the world by storm in 1964 when he ended the Russian 100 year winning streak in international chess and became an national hero to the United States. In later years he renounced U.S. citizenship, became a reclusive nut job, went on anti-Semitic rants (strange since his mother was Jewish), spoke openly about how evil the United States was (to anyone who would listen) and praised the 9/11 attacks. Twisted doesn't even begin to cover this guy.

Goodbye Mr. Fischer, you will not be missed.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Every Day With Rachel Ray?...NO WAY!!!

>Rachel Ray who is undoubtedly one of the personalities that irritates me the most is having some problems with her magazine, Every Day With Rachel Ray. Lord knows why but for some unfathomable reason NO ONE WANTS TO WORK WITH HER! So they're leaving in droves. The latest were two high level executives. I can't see this magazine lasting too long without staff. Time for Reader's Digest to cut their losses and dump her. God I hate her. Hey Rachel! Take your Dunkin Doughnuts and your EVOO and shove them up your ample ass!!!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Boy Dr. Phil, this really blew up in your face!

Well Dr. Phil you got the media attention that you wanted but not in the way you wanted. Is it ok if I just call you "Phil"? You know since you don't have a licence you're not technically a doctor are you? You know who else knows? THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGY!!!.

TMZ reports:

TMZ has obtained a copy of a complaint against Dr. Phil which was lodged with the California Board of Psychology, alleging the TV doc was illegally practicing without a license when he paid a visit to one Britney Spears.

We've learned the person who filed the complaint is a psychologist. Dr. Phil has never been licensed to practice in California, and he retired his Texas license in 2006.The shrink believes when Dr. Phil visited Brit in the hospital earlier this month, he was practicing psychology. A "Dr. Phil" honcho told TMZ the visit was never meant to lure Britney onto the TV show -- and that there were never plans to put her on the air.

A Psychology Board rep told TMZ if the Board finds the complaint credible, it would be referred to the D.A. for review. Practicing without a license is a felony in California.

Pay attention to that last sentence Phil, the operative word is FELONY. Good job slick, I hope they nail you to the wall.

Judge Jackie Glass Is My New Hero

She threw the fucking book at O.J. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

TMZ reports:

At today's bail revocation hearing, Clark County District Court Judge Jackie Glass was all over Simpson, strongly chastising him for not paying his previous $125,000 bail, saying, "I don't know, Mr. Simpson, what the heck you were thinking -- or maybe that's the problem -- you weren't," adding, "I don't know if it's just arrogance. I don't know if it's ignorance. But you've been locked up at the Clark County Detention Center since Friday because of arrogance or ignorance -- or both."

And with those lovely words for the Juice she doubled his bail to $250,000. So now O.J. has to put up his house as collateral. Friggin beautiful! She also made it a point to warn him that if he violated any of the terms of his bail he'd be locked up before the trial even starts.

I love this woman! Please tell me she's going to be the judge in the trial too!

Everybody Hates Jessica Simpson.

Jessica Simpson really knows how to make friends and influence people. Or maybe that's make enemies and turn them into a rampaging mob out for your blood.
Dallas Cowboys fans are so enraged at the loosing streak of Tony Romo in recent games that they are blaming Jessica Simpson for distracting him. Simpson is so freaked out she's not going back to Texas for a while (and she's FROM there) and she's hired additional security for her home. They've gone nuts in Texas, they want to lynch her ass to which all I have to say is "yo, Texas! You bunch of pussies! Put your money where your mouth is! I DARE YOU!!!"

Payback is a Bitch Dr. Phil!!!

Well it looks like Dr. Phil is getting some blowback from his Britney stunt. The good doctor is trying to book high profile guests for his 1,000th episode. Guess what? People seem to want to stay clear of Phil. He's let be known that they can plug any charity or cause they takers. It's being implied that coming on would be seen as a personal favor to takers. Good! I hope they take that grabasstic fuck off the air. Up yours Phil!!!
By the way he doesn't have a licence in California.

Zac Efron is in the Hospital

Efron ended up in the hospital yesterday with appendicitis. Don't worry ladies, he had it removed and he's recovering at Cedar Sinai Hospital. By the way, is it just me or does there only seem to be one hospital in L.A.? I'm not sure if I would trust the same doctors who let Britney loose with poking around my insides...but that's just me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Johnny Depp is Awesome.

I'm sure you don't need for me to tell anyone that Johnny Depp is awesome but this dude is REALLY awesome.

Last year his daughter got E.coli poisioning which caused her kidney's to fail. It looked pretty bad for a while but the doctors at the Great Ormond Street Hospital were able to save her.

It would be easy enough to say "thank you" pay your bill and leave it like that but not Johnny Depp. He wanted to show these people that he was greatful for what they did.

First he has is Captain Jack Sparrow costume flown in from L.A. last November and spends hours reading stories to patients dressed as the captain. I know, pretty awesome huh? Then he has a bunch of doctors and nurses flown to a private party in London for the premiere of his new movie Sweeney Todd but now he just gave the hospital 2 million dollars. Depp in one of a kind in a place like Hollywood. Good for you Johnny!

Somehow I can't see Paris Hilton doing that.

We can all die happy now...they're all comming back.

I'm not even sure if this qualifies as news but it has a big enough following so I guess I'll post it. Disney has announced that the entire cast of High School Musical 2 has sign on for High School Musical 3: Senior Year.

...yay. My enthusiasm is growing already...wonder if there will be any nude scenes...right Vanessa!

K-Fed gets it!!!....Mostly.

Us Magazine got an exclusive interview with Kevin Federline and he seems to get it. He're an excerpt:

Kevin Federline says his post-marital woes with Britney Spears are just like those of any recently divorced couple.

(Wouldn't go that far K-Fed)

"Even though everything is so publicized and everybody is looking at it, it's normal for us,” he says in February’s Interview magazine.
“People put it up on this pedestal when it's really the same way that everybody else goes through their stuff, you know? It's not really any different.

“I mean, I could sit down and explain that to people, but they all already know how I feel,” he added. “I think the infatuation with the whole thing is that watching us go through things makes other people feel normal."

Now that last sentence is a statement that I can totally get behind! I know watching this crap makes me feel a hell of a lot better about my life! Thank you Kevin Federline!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

...wait...she left.

She came, she circled, she parked,

Ernest Borgnine party animal.

I'm having trouble believing that one too but while the rest of the Golden Globe awards last night sucked you could have taken your ass over to Ernie's house where he was throwing a wild party complete with champagne and pizza. He may be 90 years old but he's still got it!

Sean Bean...what were you thinking???

Sutcliffe (29) were set to be married tomorrow and Sean Bean called it of 24 hours before it was to happen. Wow. That's pretty shocking even by my standards. Georgina seems to be in some sort of denial because she's claiming that it's no big deal and that the wedding will simply be rescheduled for a later date....uh Georgina...they already delivered the champagne and the fucking CAKE!!! WAKE UP!!!

By the way this would have been Sean's 4th marriage. This dude gets around.

It's Britney bitch!

There's still time to place your bets will Britney show or won't she. It's not like the fate of her kids is riding on it...oh, wait a sec. Well, if she does show up for court I'm sure she'll get visitation with the kids. Remember this is divorce court and you only get about 30 last chances. As they say it's all about "what's in the best interest of the child". I can't believe I typed that with a straight face.

Wedding dresses, Rite-Aid and Britney...sure, why not???

Ok, looks like I wasn't the only one who had an insane weekend. US magazine followed Britney around (wonder if those guys get hazard pay for that) here's what the reported:

Britney’s bizarre behavior was in full gear this weekend.
A run-down:
SATURDAYSpears donned the same lacy Monique Lhuillier dress she wore to her 2004 wedding reception to Kevin Federline as she and her paparazzo beau, Adnan Ghalib, 35, hit a Keyes Mercedes-Benz dealership in Van Nuys, California (you wore a wedding dress to a car dealership??? Sure, why not!).
Carrying two puppies, she and Ghalib then went mattress shopping at Maison Luxe in Manhattan Beach (nothing crazy there).
SUNDAYWearing daisy dukes, a T-shirt and high-top boots, Spears and Ghalib went shopping at a Santa Monica Rite Aid (...crazy) and a Designer Shoe Warehouse (can't have too many shoes).
(The pop star, 26, is a fan of the convenience store. She went Christmas shopping there last year.(you're kidding right???))
They then lunched at Gaucho Grill in Studio City, California. They ordered $35 worth of grub, including sautéed mushrooms, a caprese salad, two orders of the beef empanadas (what the fuck is an empanada???), two orders of the spinach empanadas (again, huh???) and two Pepsi sodas (no Coke?...crazy). They walked out holding hands.
Their lovefest continued at the Westfield Fashion Square in Sherman Oaks, California, where a witness tells, they held hands.
They went into See's Candies and Macy’s. When an employee accidentally bumped into her, Spears sniped, "F--k you, b-tch," leaving the saleswoman “speechless,” (sounds like Britney too me) onlooker Kevin Watson tells Us.
(According to , Spears left the department store in a mid-riff baring maroon knit-top she had just purchased.)
Her bad temper continued as she left when she was barraged by photographers.
“I'm f--king over it!" she yelled at the shutterbugs as they snapped her picture. "Get out of my f--king face!”

Yep, nothing wrong here as far as I can de do..

Christina Aguilera has a baby boy.

Well, she finally popped out the kid. I keep thinking to myself that this was one hell of a short pregnancy but then I remember how many months she spent not confirming it so it doesn't seem so short after all. People magazine reports:

Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman welcomed a baby boy on Saturday at 10:05 p.m., PEOPLE has confirmed exclusively. This is the first child for the 27-year-old singer and her music executive husband. "Christina and Jordan are proud to announce the birth of their son Max Liron Bratman (what the hell is a Liron???). He is a beautiful, healthy baby boy!" a rep for the couple tells PEOPLE. "Mom is resting and doing well!" Despite various media reports that Aguilera had her baby on Friday, Max – 6 lbs. 2 oz. and 20.5 inches long – arrived late Saturday night in L.A. In a message later posted on her official Web site Sunday, Aguilera tells fans, "Today is a very joyful and special day for Jordan and I as we welcome our first son into this world."

That's all well and good but could somebody and I mean anybody please look at this picture and explain to me her taste in men???

You could do soooooo much better Christina. Every time I see something like this a little piece of me dies.


Roger Avery, the dude that co-wrote pulp fiction got wasted and got somebody killed. TMZ reports:

Roger Avary was driving in Ojai, Calif. early Sunday morning when the accident occurred, throwing wife Gretchen from the car and killing Andreas Zini, a friend visiting from Italy. Zini died later Sunday morning from "internal injuries." Avary's wife was in stable condition as of Sunday night.The Ventura County Sheriff's Department said that Avary was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash. He posted $50,000 bail and was released.Avary -- who won an Oscar for "Fiction" -- also co-wrote "Beowulf" and directed "The Rules of Attraction."

That's great Avery. Not only do you got some innocent guy killed but you also get your wife EJECTED FROM THE FUCKING CAR!!!!



Only in America can you give a psychotic nut case the potential for access to children. TMZ reports:

Sources connected with the custody case tell TMZ Britney Spears has been strongly urged to attend tomorrow's hearing. We're told her lawyers know if she doesn't show, it will be curtains -- at least in the short term.Sources tell us Brit's lawyers know Commissioner Scott Gordon expects Britney to address a number of issues surrounding the craziness at her home a week ago Thursday. In particular, commissioner Gordon wants Brit to explain why she violated the custody order by not turning the kids over to K-Fed's security guard at 7:00 that evening. The commissioner is also keenly interested in Britney's behavior that caused her to be placed on a 5150 hold at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.Britney's lawyers know if she does not attend tomorrow's hearing, the Commish almost certainly will extend the ban on visitation until the April trial.

Only here could something like this be tolerated. Why not just soak the children is gasoline and give them some lighters to play with. Jesus Christ people!

The truth is spoken here.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Juice is no longer loose!!!

Fox News is reporting that OJ Simpson's bail has been revoked and he's on his way back to Vegas to get is murdering ass thrown back in the slammer where he belongs. As for the reason that the bail was revoked, well here's a shock I don't know and I DON'T CARE!!! I want this dude out of circulation before he robs someone of theirs.

Britney might get her kids back, sure! why not???

TMZ has learned that Monday's custody hearing could be one of the most important days in Britney Spears' life. We're told Brit must show and face the judge if she's got any hope of getting her kids back. Our sources tell us if she doesn't show, or is uncooperative, it could be curtains for her custody case.What's more, police sources tell TMZ that Commissioner Scott Gordon will hear firsthand eyewitness accounts of last Thursday's breakdown from LAPD, firefighters and paramedics who were on scene. We're told they're not going to paint a pretty picture.*

Not going to paint a pretty picture??? Are you fucking kidding me??? You mean there is actually a chance (albeit a very tiny one) that the court could grant this woman visitation??? You don't need a hearing to determine that this bitch is NUTS! I only wish she was foaming at the mouth so we could shoot her Old Yeller style and put her out of OUR misery!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Britney Spears has escaped to Mexico!

photog buddy Adnan and has got the footage to prove it!

Nice try Perez.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jamie Lynn Spears and Casey Aldridge make me sick.

Sources close to the Spears family insist that the two are "very dedicated to each other". This forces me to ask a question: Who the hell knows what they're doing at 16??? She lives with her mommy for God's sake! Aldridge is now working like a dog preparing for a family I'm pretty sure he didn't need right now but hey, society says it's ok so why should I freak? Might be because this kid is the symptom of a problem and this is one of the countless little bundles of problems that our tax dollars are going to have to pay for. There goes my income tax return.

She'll probably be divorced, on welfare and with 3 more kids before she's 25.

I told you Dr. Phil was a dick.

A representative for the Spears family Lou Taylor went on the Today show this morning and ripped up Dr. Phil for the lying self serving bastard he is. She said that Phil approached them to do the show and the family rejected the idea. For some reason they thought that it wouldn't be in Britney's best interest. The Philster went on an planned the show anyway. Just to top it all off when he made his rather long winded statement about meeting Britney, apparently he had no authority whatsoever to make such a public statement leaving the family feeling rather betrayed. They should cancel his show, he's too obiviously a phony.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

They mugged Buddy!!!

Willie Aames (Charles in Charge, Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon) was robbed with his son at gunpoint last night around 10pm. The robber only got about $15.00 but man that's messed up. Pulling a gun on a guy with his son there is pretty messed up in my book.
I hope they catch the bastard.

Zoey 101 gets better ratings.

Here's a shocker for you Jamie Lynn Spears' show Zoey 101 got double the ratings on Friday. I going to take a guess that this settles the argument as to if they're going to air the next season or not. You can hear the sponsors lining up for this one. Also please note the book the Jamie is carrying, hmmmm, G.E.D. Yep, you couldn't ask for a better role model for your little girl than Jamie Lynn Spears.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Britney goes psycho. No seriously, REALLY psycho this time.

1Wow, what a night it's been. It all started so normally. Britney refused to surrender her sons to K-Fed, no shock there. Cops were called, still not shocking. Three hour standoff, getting more interesting now. Then the ambulance showed up, that's where it got really interesting. Apparently the cops believed that she was under the influence of something because she was really spaced out. The ambulance called in a "mental evaluator", I didn't even know that was a profession. When they were putting her into the ambulance sources at say that she was flipping between laughter and hysterics and had to be tied down like a lunatic. Currently she is in Cedar Sinai Hospital where she is being called a "5150 patient" which means that there is enough evidence to suggest that she may be a danger to herself and to others.

Mark David Kaplan is set to go to court this morning to strip Britney of her visitation rights. I don't think he'll encounter much resistance on this one.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another season of Shot at Love...great.

favorite nugget headed bisexual stripper is coming back for another season of Shot at Love thereby foretelling the coming apocalypse. This show has an audience base??? This chick looks like she should be hanging out at Area 51. Human proportions don't come like that man. I can't be the only one that sees the connection here. Look at the evidence people! Coincidence? I think not.

How far would you go for Hanna Montana tickets???

Ok, this one was so fucked up that I have to post it. Check this out. A 6 year old girl in texas entered a contest to win tickets to the sold out Hanna Montana concert. All you have to do is submit an essay and hope for the best. You know what could tip the odds in your favor? A little help from mommy. Priscilla Ceballos, (aka, friggin bitch on wheels) wrote an essay for her daughter to pass off has her own writing. I love the title, this one's a tear jerker: My Daddy Died This Year. Holy crap you've GOT to be kidding me. Do I really need to tell you where this one's going? Guess what, the contest people were so touched that they contacted the media (I'm sure free publicity wouldn't hurt too) and some bright boy down at ABC did some research and found out that the Department of Defense never heard of this dude. Bottom line...busted. I love mom's defense "I never said anything in the essay was true, we just wanted to win" ...brilliant. I'm sure that all sane people out there would take something that supposedly came from a 6 year old as the gospel. This was beyond messed up. Some people try to do something nice and someone has to take advantage of it. Well, the kid lost the tickets to the concert and I wonder how mom's going to explain that to a 6 year old.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

This had better be a joke.

SONY has decided to license several of the Beatles songs for use in movies, T.V. commericals and...rap/hip hop songs. WTF??? Apparently artists like Wu-Tang clan and Ja Rule want to use clips mixed into their songs. Who the hell came up with this idiotic idea??? Man, can you rape the dead a little more? Don't fuck with the bloody music!!!

Well we didn't have to wait long did we?

Here's the short version. Lindsey Lohan went off to Italy for New Years and managed to make out with three different guys in a 24 hour period. I just have one horny is this bitch??? Jesus Christ woman get some self control...and get to a clinic for testing, stat!


Happy New Year from The Control Room. May the coming year be filled with pure celebrity insanity which has been providing better entertainment than anything Hollywood has put on film in 20 years!

All the best!
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